School Programs
Casey Tech School has a range of programs for Partner Schools with different content utilising a range of technologies. We invite schools to select programs to fit their learning needs, their timeframes and the outcomes desired. We will happily work closely with schools considering the student and teacher options.
DiscoveryA program for up to 80 students with rotating workshops providing experiences using a range of technologies (1 day)
VoyagerA program addressing an industry brief utilising technologies (1 day)
EnterpriseOver three days, students collaborate in groups, investigate real world opportunities, develop STEAM and Enterprise skills, engage in design thinking, build prototypes, and pitch solutions
VCEPrograms designed to enhance the VCE curriculum and learning
Remote and VirtualDesigned for schools outside the City of Casey
Teacher PD
A range of workshops and programs will become available for teachers to take advantage of the Casey Tech School capability in:- Technology skills
- Laboratory skills
- The design process and applications in education
- Integrating applied learning into the classroom
- STEAM areas – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics
In addition, following cofacilitation of programs and workshops onsite, teachers can document answers to key questions aligned with the AITSL standards teachers to accrue time towards ongoing VIT registration.